Who We Are

We are a fellowship of believers who come from all walks of life. We have different backgrounds, are of different races, and even come from different countries. We have different hobbies, jobs, likes and dislikes. We live across a five county area. We go to different schools, vary greatly in professions, and have many varied interests and talents.

So what brings us all together and why? Good question!

The answer is; we all have one common focus: We all believe in and love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We seek to worship and study God’s word, the Bible, together as a fellowship of believers in Christ because that is what Jesus has commanded us to do. We seek to tell others about Christ through missions to our community, the region, state, country and the world. We do so because Jesus told us to go and tell in Matthew 28:18-20. We seek to disciple other believers so they might join us in the joy of sharing the perfect love of our Savior. We work to serve Him and those He loves through the myriad of talents and abilities that have been brought together. We will not stop our efforts until all the world has had a chance to hear the Gospel or until Jesus calls us home to heaven.

Because Jesus first loved us, we gather together as a family to worship the Great Physician. We will meet in a sanctuary to praise Him and hear His word proclaimed. And we also meet in small groups to study the Bible, pray and support each other through the trials of life.

We carry on our Lord’s business through the organization known as “Fellowship Baptist Church”, making decisions concerning the organization, its programs and missions by each member’s vote in business meetings. We pray each decision honors Christ and fulfills His mission for the church. Oh… we’re not perfect by any means, but through Jesus we are forgiven.

You see; We are the church. The biblical Bride of Jesus Christ! Would you like to join us? Visit our How to Join page to learn how.